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Tom Knoll Runs Through Arlington for ALSF

Tom Knoll Runs Through Arlington for ALSF

October 30, 2014

On November 1, 2014, Tom Knoll will make a 41-mile charity run through Hawaii before coming to Arlington for another 41-mile charity run on November 5! Knoll is making the runs as force of habit, he’s raised millions of dollars for charity, and is willing to put his Iron Man Triathlete reputation into action again to benefit Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) in their fight to end child cancer.

Knoll began his running career in 1974, when he was serving in the Marine Corps and stationed on Oahu, Hawai’i. He was in his early forties, and joined a group of Marines who ran ten miles over lunch every day. Soon, he was racing in marathons and ultra-marathon events. “This story is for the jogger, the long distance runner, the humanitarian and for all those who believe that if you have a dream, you should pursue it to its end.” Tom Knolls opens his book, “Why Not A Million?” as he recounts his life as a long-distance runner and his life-long devotion to helping others. Although he is a retired Marine, Knoll has since given his service in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq-and has run across the United States twice! Next week, he will be running the total 82 miles for ALSF in homage of his 82nd birthday! Ayoka’s own CEO is a former Marine and all of the Ayokian Marines will be in attendance of Tom Knoll’s charity run!

If you would like to donate to this event, or have any questions, feel free to contact one of our own former Marine Sergeant, Chad King, at 817.210.4042.